Nov 27, 2014Multiple Nationality and RefugeesFull text PDF available here: Bauer Final (PDF) Persons with more than one nationality (“multiple nationals”) who flee persecution in...
Nov 27, 2014Navigating the Minefield of Trade Secrets Protection in ChinaMany Multinational Companies (MNCs) now consider trade secrets to be the most important intellectual property right in China, ahead of...
Nov 27, 2014Anarchy, Order, and Trade: A Structuralist Account of Why a Global Commercial Legal Order is EmerginWhile still fragmented, the world is witnessing the emergence of a global commercial legal order independent of any one national legal...
Nov 27, 2014Judging Leaders Who Facilitate Crimes by a Foreign Army: International Courts Differ on a Novel LegaIn one of the most significant cases in the history of international criminal law, Prosecutor v. Perišić, the International Criminal...
Nov 27, 2014Soy Dominicano – The Status of Haitian Descendants Born in the Dominican Republic and Measures to PrIn September 25, 2013, the Constitutional Tribunal of the Dominican Republic retroactively interpreted the Dominican Constitution to deny...
Nov 27, 2014Gimme Shelter: International Political Asylum in the Information AgeOn June 5, 2013, an article in the Guardian revealed highly classified information about surveillance operations being performed by the...