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Jun 6, 2012
The Role of International Law in Intrastate Natural Resource Allocation: Sovereignty, Human Rights,
State natural resource development projects have become sites of intense political, social, and cultural contestation among a diversity...
Jun 6, 2012
Secular Crosses and the Neutrality of Secularism: Reflections on the Demands of Neutrality and its
This Note discusses analogous themes in two religious public display cases, Lautsi v. Italy, recently decided by the Grand Chamber of the...
Jun 6, 2012
Plugging the Leak in § 1498: Coercing the United States into Notifying Patent Owners of Government U
When the United States uses a patent for public, noncommercial purposes, it is required under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of...
Jun 6, 2012
Market-Oriented Subnational Debt Regimes: Empowering the Developing World to Construct Infrastructur
Globally, as national governments continue to decentralize fiscal and governmental responsibility, the sound facilitation of subnational...
Jun 4, 2012
Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Judicial Review of Administrative Detentions in the Israeli Supreme Cou
All around the world, hundreds of individuals are constantly subjected to administrative detentions designed to prevent them from...
Jun 1, 2012
Enforcing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: The Legality of Preventive Measures
Efforts to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear-weapons-related technology have increasingly involved economic, ...
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