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Jun 28, 2012
Ambivalence and Activism: Employment Discrimination in China
Chinese courts have not vigorously enforced many human rights, but a recent string of employment discrimination lawsuits suggests that,...
Jun 28, 2012
Green Jackets in Men’s Sizes Only: Gender Discrimination at Private Country Clubs
On November 3, 2009, the Supreme Court of Ireland held that the Portmarnock Golf Club could maintain its rule prohibiting female...
Jun 28, 2012
The Double-Helix Double-Edged Sword: Comparing DNA Retention Policies of the United States and the U
Forensic scientists have used DNA profiling technologies to link suspects to crimes since Alec Jeffreys first proposed the idea in the...
Jun 28, 2012
Forced to Flee and Forced to Repatriate? How the Cessation Clause of Article 1C(5) and (6) of the 1
The purpose of refugee law is to provide international protection for vulnerable people who are denied state protection. In fulfilling...
Jun 28, 2012
Space Debris and Its Threat to National Security: A Proposal for a Binding International Agreement t
In 2007, a Chinese anti-satellite missile destroyed an aging weather satellite, creating millions of pieces of space debris. In 2009,...
Jun 28, 2012
Building a Latin American Coalition on Forests: Negotiation Barriers and Opportunities
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) is one of the most important and most contentious issues in global...
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