Mar 29, 2015Confused, Frustrated, and Exhausted: Solving the U.S. Digital First Sale Doctrine Problem Through thUsers worldwide enjoy digital goods such as music and e-books on a daily basis. They have become a major part of people’s lives, with...
Mar 29, 2015The Faults in “Fair” Trials: An Evaluation of Regulation 55 at the International Criminal CourtDespite its reputation as a “provision of an exceptional nature,” Regulation 55 has become one of the most contested procedural devices...
Mar 29, 2015The Political Economy and Legal Regulation of Transnational Commercial Surrogate LaborIndia’s commercial surrogacy business has been the focus of intense media scrutiny for the past decade. In that time, it has grown from a...
Mar 29, 2015Alternate Judges as Sine Qua Nons for International Criminal TrialsWhen one of the three judges hearing the case against Vojislav Šešelj at the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was...
Mar 28, 2015Do Human Rights Treaties Help Asylum-Seekers?: Lessons from the United KingdomThis Article analyzes the circumstances under which international human rights treaties have helped or hurt asylum-seekers in the United...
Mar 28, 2015Reducing the Price of Peace: The Human Rights Responsibilities of Third-Party FacilitatorsPeace agreements can bring about serious injustices. For example, they may establish oppressive regimes, provide for the transfer of...