Aug 21, 2012Attaining Optimal Deterrence at Sea: A Legal and Strategic Theory for Naval Anti-Piracy OperationsOn January 21, 2006, a guided missile destroyer accomplished the U.S. Navy’s first capture of suspected pirates in recent memory. As the...
Aug 16, 2012A Paper Tiger with Bite: A Defense of the War Powers ResolutionThe War Powers Resolution (WPR) has led a beleaguered existence. Since its enactment in 1973, it has been labeled ineffectual and...
Jul 6, 2012The Responsibility to Protect and the Decline of Sovereignty: Free Speech Protection Under InternatiState sovereignty has long held a revered post in international law, but it received a blow in the aftermath of World War II, when the...
Jul 2, 2012Managing Forced Displacement by Law in Africa: The Role of the New African Union IDPs ConventionThis Article provides a critical appraisal of the newly adopted African IDPs Convention. In particular, it offers a detailed analysis of...