Courtney L. DeVore
Editor in Chief
Originally from San Antonio, Texas, Courtney is a 3L at Vanderbilt Law School. She graduated with special honors in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin in 2018. She will be joining Baker McKenzie in Washington D.C. after graduation.
Courtney is member of the Vanderbilt Legal Academy Scholar’s Program, a program at Vanderbilt designed to identify, support, and mentor students interested in becoming law professors. Additionally, Courtney competed as a member of Vanderbilt’s ABA Moot Court Traveling Team and served as the Vice President of Tournaments on the Vanderbilt Mock Trial Board.
As Editor in Chief of the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Courtney oversees the publication process and serves as the principal contact for authors. She is especially interested in emergency power, sovereign immunity, and US foreign affairs. Courtney’s Student Note, Fortifying American Emergency Power: A Multinational Comparison to Constrain Crises, will be published in the November 2020 issue of VJTL.
Please feel free to contact Courtney DeVore for journal-related purposes at courtney.l.devore@vanderbilt.edu.